ALC662 sound in Linux

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   Integrated sound card ALC662 has remarkable characteristics (frequency diskritizatsii up to 96kHz) and a good sound (thanks to the protocol HDA). But that is not wrong with my latest version of ubuntuSad.However, in recent versions of ALSA supports it.


   So there are two ways to collect Alsou from source, one complex (relatively of course) the other is more simple. I will tell of course, a simple Maybe this method will suit all the family card HDA.

1. We go to the site rialteka , agree with the license, which is written of course for windows users and download the archive with the source ALSA, which is a script for automated assembly and customization for Quatre family of HDA.

2. Unpack the archive

$ Tar-jxvf realtek-linux-audiopack-5.12.tar.bz2

3. Install all necessary to build packages

$ Sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic libncurses5-dev

4. Change into the unpacked directory

$ Cd realtek-linux-audiopack-5.12

5. Collect, install and configure answering a few simple questions

$ Sudo. / Install

6. Reboot

$ Sudo reboot

if the sound does not appear execute

$ Sudo / etc / init.d / alsasound start

if after that the sound came, all is well and you can add a module alsy in rc.d

$ Sudo update-rc.d alsasound defaults 19

I even don `t know why I chose the number 19 But it is written in the example for adding modules to the autoload 

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